"Double Glazing Repair in Aldridge"
"Double Glazing installation in Aldridge"
"I need my windows repaired in Aldridge"

Why do people still choose to replace their windows when the majority of the time they can be repaired for a fraction of the cost? Multiglaze offer a complete repair and replacement service to commercial, retail and domestic clients throught Aldridge and its surrounding areas. All Glaziers we use are directly employed by Multiglaze and are fully qualified and insured.

Whether it be a broken hinge or a faulty lock and no matter how old the window, Multiglaze can locate the part and carry out the repair to the highest standard. Where broken glass cannot be replaced instanty we are able to provide a full boarding up service whilst the required part of glass is ordered for you.

Multiglaze can assist you with :-

  • Replacement Rubber Seals in Aldridge
  • Replacement Window Handles in Aldridge
  • Cat Flaps Fitted in Glass Panels in Aldridge
  • Replace Misted up Glass Units in Aldridge
  • Door Locking Mechanisms Repaired in Aldridge
  • Letterboxes Fitted / Repaired in Aldridge
  • Door Panels Replaced in Aldridge
  • Draughty Windows Re-Sealed in Aldridge
  • Hinges Repaired or Replaced in Aldridge
  • Patio Locks Repaired or Replaced in Aldridge
  • Patio Wheels & Runners Repaired in Aldridge
  • Professional UPVC Windows & Conservatory Cleaning in Aldridge
  • Draughty UPVC Windows Re-trimmed & Re-sealed in Aldridge

Please call our freephone number 0800 849 6060 for advice, emergency help or for a free quotation or email info@multiglaze.com